Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Skully Lolita

So I was going through my inventory, dwelling on the fact I never really wear anything a second time once getting it, and found this cute grey lolita/death style outfit. I remember getting this months ago. It was really cheap I believe. Like, on clearance. So, putting on my really expensive skin, dragging out my wig from my inventory, I decided to rock this out. This defiantly had a feel of "The Gothic Lolita Circus Leader" written all over it. What do you think? :)

Outfit: *PH* "Hopeless"
Boots: *Bad JuJu* "Bitten Boots"
Hair: lamb "Breeze"
Skin: LAQ ~ Elena 09 [Pale] Glow Skin
Shape: My Very own shape "Ambellina"
Eyes: >>>TechnoLATI<<< "Hazel Blue" Naturals
Makeup: Pink Acid Lip Gloss & Blush face make-up + [:T:] Parted lips 1

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Latex Fetish

So I actually did go out with this badass getup, and as soon as I did, guys just couldn't resist to drop me an IM. *giggles* This is defiantly the outfit if you plan on getting yourself a hookup, that's for sure. Well ladies (or gents) drop me a comment and tell me what you think.

Black Latex Outfit: ::Mistress:: By RAMP design

Latex Thight High Boots: "KK FetishDoll x Boots" (came with freebie latex outfit)

Skin: Al Vulo Sally Pink Sunkissed

Shape: Made by me, inspired by Vulo Shapes.

Hair: ^;^CaTwA^;^ Basma (Pearl)

Eyes: Hazel Blue ~ Naturals >>>TechnoLATI<<< (Freebie)

Lipgloss: Pink Acid Clear Lipgloss

EyeLashes: NOYA Butterfly Eyelash (group gift I believe)

SecondLife Music Vid

I came upon this video a week ago and fell inlove. It's catchy, vibrant and very fun for the ears. It was put together so nicely it almost makes me want to attempt at making one. lol But seriously, check it out!

{Emo Toxic}

Rocking out the "EMO TOXIC" outfit from ADN.

Monday, March 12, 2012

New Shape {First Post}

Oh bloody mary, I have been meaning to post to this new bloggy, but I can't seem to ever remember. lol So Im sitting here and excited for my new store. Which just opened yesterday...Actually the day before. So here it is, my first shape, with more to come. :)
